Hello, Everyone!!!
This coming Sunday is our annual Family Reunion. (June 28th). I always looked forward to this every year. I got to see all my cousins - June & Jean, Brian, so many others. I enjoyed getting my family (Frank, Greg & Tracy) ready to go. Everyone needed to be spit polished and shined up good. New outfits, probably. Then cook, cook, cook. Always took a big roasted turkey breast and lots of other side dishes. (She made the best cole slaw on planet Earth. - Among other things - Lots of practice at home and at Frank & Addie's Cafe in downtown Rocky Mount. - Author)
Here's a picture of the last one I attended.

I'm looking fantastic in this picture. Much, much younger than my years. That's what comes of hard work and taking good care of yourself. Eat right, keep that weight off, and exercise.
Left to right: My nephew Davis, niece Donna, niece Beverly, daughter Tracy, niece Cheryl, niece Patricia, nephew Larry, ME - ADDIE, and nephew Dale holding my hand. What a sweet memory for all of us.
God blessed me with many happy times and many happy years.
Have fun! I'll be there in spirit.
Much Love,